How is Needle Arm affected by rough skin in Generation 3?
So I have been playing through Pokemon Emerald again. I decided to run with a Cacturne this time around. I am curious as to how its signature move Needle Arm can cause rough skin to activate, especially considering (as far as my understanding goes) all grass moves in Generation 3 are considered special attacks. About the…
Pokemon Base taStarter Bracket
I really enjoy Pikmin and wanted to make a nuzlocke themed after it but I couldn't think about how to make it enjoyable so I'd like some advice.
I got a new switch as a gift, because my old switch broke, I transfered my Pokémon sword save…
file and, with dlc bought, but on a different, parent account, and I can’t fast travel, and the railway guy at wedgeherst says there is something wrong with my passes, $25 are gone, am I softlocked out of a dlc fast travel, or is there something else I can do to fix this? Please I really needs some help, my mom paid for…
Most disappointing thing that happened to you related to pokemon
For me rather trying to get a paldean fates charizard ex tin called 9 stores the last one said they had it but confused it with another product and I was driven 25 minutes away to get to that location only soon after finding that they did not have it or unsuccsesfully trying to shiny hatch sprigatito
Bidoof is unironically one of my favorite pokemon do I need help?
I hope that we can enjoy talking about pokemon wholesomely
and live in a harmonious state
Round 1: Match 1: Pokémon Protagonist Tournament
I've seen a lot of these kind of tournaments here, so I decided to make one for the Pokémon protagonists to see which one is the most loved after Red. Red will not be part of it as he's really popular and more of a champion NPC now more than he is the Kanto protagonist. We have 24 competitors that'll all eventually appear!…
Pokemon Tips
If you were to give a person a couple pokemon tips what would they be? 1 I would tell them that if a pokemon is a different colour and sparkles you must turn off the game. 2 I would tell them that Pokemon get worse as they evolve. 3 You get the secret ending by beating the league with only 6 lv 100 caterpies
Why Palworld won’t replace Pokemon
Palworld is trying very hard to replace Pokémon but it will fail. Unlike other similar games like yo Kai watch and dragon quest monsters Palworld isn’t trying to be a game sold alongside Pokémon but instead be Pokémon but better, and most of the pals look like ai generated Pokémon. Maybe I’m just upset that Palworld has…