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🔥🔥MY FRIEND CODE🔥🔥 9206-0859-6861-8525 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
PSA: Don't forget to make your showcases PUBLIC for points
Hey all! Stoked for the release of this game. I've had a few friends who mentioned they were not receiving likes for their Binders / Display Boards, so I felt like sharing the instructions on how to make your showcases public. For those who do not know, receiving likes (when redeemed at the gift icon from the home screen)…
Pokemon Pocket Kinda Repairs That Strategy Gap..?
I once again rise inactivity to bring you a review of Pokemon TCG Pocket… It's good…ish? It's pretty much nicer when compared to other strategy-based mobile Pokemon games. Nonetheless, it's nice to see a fun little game that one could potentially enjoy for hours, if not days, if one plays their hourglasses right (or…
Will Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket have localized prices for LATAM?
The price for Premium is too high for such a low benefit of just one more pack a day and premium missions. I wonder if this game will be localized for Brazil. I think It should since the game already have many fans here. But, as we know the latest Pokémon MOBA games like Pokémon Unite isn't localized. I think this will…
Launch day happiness
I don't know it's ok to post this here but I got one star Gyarados from wonder pick. Thank you FuzzManBruh for your wonder pack❤️, let me know if you reading this
Looking for friends
Let’s be friends! 0480221345198908–Pokéღkuღ
Pocket is awsome
This game has exceded my expectations the fact of the online battle witch I did not thay would have I do what to do trades when thay come out I do have half the card is in the set tho
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6012974384438017 Truehearted518 Teach me tips on the game!
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