How can i get my cards back ??
I remember having a ton of brilliant stars card, but now all of them are gone ?! Please help
Roaring Moon ex Frenzied Gouging did not KO Noivern ex
In a match I played, Roaring Moon ex did not KO Noivern ex after using Frenzied Gouging attack, and after Noivern ex used the attack that blocks all damage from basic Pokemon. This attack does not use damage, but is an instant KO. The attack also did not apply the 200 damage to Roaring Moon ex, the attack just did nothing.
Expanded Beta for Friends Matches?
So I’m relatively new to TCGL and while I was trying to play some matches with one of my friends, I couldn’t use one of the decks I wanted to use. I found out that it has banned cards in it and could only be used in Expanded beta. So I tried to switch the mode to expanded beta and I couldn’t find a way to do that. Is this…
Netherworld Gate Gengar played directly to the bench
Just played a match where my opponent played NetherWorld Gate Gengar directly to bench without evolving. One from hand and one from a ultraball. Battle log doesnt even show gengar being played to the bench. Battle log below. I am T2ak. Setup T2ak chose heads for the opening coin flip. T2ak won the coin toss. T2ak decided…
Pidgeot ex deleted itself
I went to use quick search for the game to get prime catcher but then pidgeot deleted itself and I did not go in to the deck and was stuck not being able to do anything then it timed out and pidgeot was gone I could not interact with it it was just gone in the active so I just had to pass and then my opponent attack and it…
Error code question regarding known issues
This falls under known issues: Players occasionally will encounter client errors when attempting to login to the client. Does anyone know if this will include errors such as 10011?
cornerstone ogerpon vs Aegislash
both prevent damage from each other but also ignore effects. my question is….how does ogerpon still deal damage but aegislash doesnt? had this interaction lose me a match in ranked. both attacks ignore effects but only cornerstone could do damage even though aegislah Hard Bashing ignores effects on pokemon. just curious if…
Matching for 2 games and being unable to play both
when hitting the “play” button occasionally I am entered into 2 matches. The game gets stuck on the introduction screen for the 2nd opponent and after closing and reopening the app my score reflects that I have lost the games. - on iOS playing ranked
Can't choose one random card via Bug Catching Set
Almost every time when i play Bug Catching Set TWM 143/167, i can't select one of option in select screen. Sometimes its grass energy, sometimes its grass mon.
Area Zero glitch
In games I'm playing Area Zero, I get glitched blank pink cards and sometimes my cards are stuck in the middle of the screen. If I draw 7 cards, I only get 6 of them, and then one of them is stuck or blank or pink. I've lost a couple games because of this…