Where are all my cards/decks after migration? ?
Seems like I cant find all my old built decks or cards just migrated this morning . Not sure what to do. Any help would be apricated thanks
Cards library design
The bundle cards preview were separated all different art instead stag all cards with same name together which is very good. A little suggest about apply the same design to make cards library better, we want all art show separately.
I think I'll just quit.. :/
I don't see myself enjoying the game anymore when it's all about running meta relevant decks, that let you take 20 actions on your turn and completely back your opponent into the corner. I don't want to google op decks and just copy them. I migrated my account of 10 years on/off playing but now I see I have no hope of…
Is it not possible to listen to Spotify when using the mobile client?
I can look past all the issues and enjoy the mobile client but it hurts me I can listen to music - is there a way to get around this? Thanks!
Migration Length
I was asked if I wanted to migrate my account and I said yes. Afterwards the screen went away and it has been over Five hours. How long does it take?
Something missing after migration
I lost my Pokémon center giratina box and the normal elite sleeves, remain not complete set as the picture show, which have to be contain in game. And all my sword and shield series battle deck boxes, which are not even before sun and moon era. Some of us lost collection of cards, some of us lost collection of deco, some…
B&W / XY Cards
Hey everyone…is there anyway to confirm our B&W / XY cards migrated properly? I know they aren’t showing in deck building, but I wasn’t sure if you can go somewhere else to see them. Thanks!
My Account Has Reset.
Pokemon: for some reason you have completely wiped my account. Please reinstate it.
Disappointed in the new format
Doesn't import the Theme Decks. So I import from a clipboard source Won't let me play a basic theme deck, like Relentless Flame. All of my decks are gone of course. And it appears, the theme decks aren't playable anyway? I am so sad. Have to find a new hobby I guess.
Expanded Player Experience
Hello everyone! I wanted to leave some feedback to the developers and the community. I have played Pokémon TCG Live for about 1 month now. I have completed the Battle Pass event in three weeks and have made two decks. Now that I have finished the Battle Pass, I am left with little to nothing remaining to do. Here is my…