in-game chat system
when will there be chat system in ptcgl? in ptcgo, chat system really help us to communicate with other player, discussion or even strategize new deck. please bring the chat system back.
I just migrated and checking my card. Turns out i found this..... missing card. This is only 1 of my missing card. as u can see there is my dialga on the collection libarry, but when i go to my deck its gone. im never trade that card. idk where it goes
Increase amount of cards per pack and remove the 400 redeem code pack limit
I'm very close to reach the 400 codes redeem limit, so soon will be useless to redeem scarlet and violet pack codes... that will remove a fun and important part of the game, plus will be forced to use credits or open the few in-game packs. Can you consider increase the number of cards per pack to match real life and remove…
Friend list
Any on want to add me
Anybody else tired of submitting bugs?
PTCG Online ends June 5th 2023! PTCG Live Beta ends June 8th 2023!
Pokemon has officially announced the end of Pokémon TCG Online on June 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. PDT. It will be removed from the App Store, Google Play, and Pokemon.com and game servers will be shut down. Then on June 8, 2023, at 10 a.m. PDT the Pokémon TCG Live game will officially launch (so no more Beta excuses in a month…
Path to the Peak and vstar abilities
Just had a game where path to the peak was on and opponent Giratina Vstar still was able to use its vstar ability. Working as intended?
Are THEME DECKS coming back to TCG live?
Would be good to have a similar online battling system where everyone could use the same unedited Decks, like Theme Decks in TCG online. THEME DECK vs THEME DECK ONLY! or UNEDITED vs UNEDITED decks! I'm sure there are a lot of players who do not know how to build the decks or simply not having the time to do, given all the…
Older expansions
Is rgere going to come a time when we can use our online points to purchase xy and sun moon expansion packs or are we limited to sword sheild and forward. There are still plenty of cards from the older generations that I want to get
Old style board
Why can't we play with the old style that we were forced to migrate away from? It was much better than the current board and style.