B&W / XY Cards
Hey everyone…is there anyway to confirm our B&W / XY cards migrated properly? I know they aren’t showing in deck building, but I wasn’t sure if you can go somewhere else to see them. Thanks!
My Account Has Reset.
Pokemon: for some reason you have completely wiped my account. Please reinstate it.
Disappointed in the new format
Doesn't import the Theme Decks. So I import from a clipboard source Won't let me play a basic theme deck, like Relentless Flame. All of my decks are gone of course. And it appears, the theme decks aren't playable anyway? I am so sad. Have to find a new hobby I guess.
Expanded Player Experience
Hello everyone! I wanted to leave some feedback to the developers and the community. I have played Pokémon TCG Live for about 1 month now. I have completed the Battle Pass event in three weeks and have made two decks. Now that I have finished the Battle Pass, I am left with little to nothing remaining to do. Here is my…
Can you pay with real money to get Digital Cards in Pokemon TCG Live?
I have yet to find this feature on Pokemon TCG Live. Don't all you idiotic Big-Wigs realise how much $$$ you can make if you actually support you new app with USEFUL features like that?
Damage not working properly
Too many times now have i seen the damage not work properly in game. I have seen far too often how my pokemon attacks say they do a certain amount of damage, but it is reduced by 10, 20, or 30 damage. There is nothing on the board, attached cards, abilities, resistance, etc, that states my pokemon's damage will be reduced.…
Such garbage
I live how it's telling me my gengar deck is banned even in expanded yet I just went to an OFFICIAL tournament with the exact deck and it's NOT. AND I USED IT ALL THE TIME IN THE NORMAL pokem tcg. They messed this all up
Retour en arrière Possible ?
Bonjour, étant passé sur pokémon TCG LIVE live, et j’en suis déçus, peut-on retourné sur pokémon TCG Online ? besoin d’aide s’il-vous-plaît
Can't publish forum posts
Why are sometimes my bug reports being saved as draft 'pending approval'?
Does having a win streak matter?
In Pokemon TCGO having a win streak would allow you to unlock rewards faster. In this game having a win streak doesn't seem to have any affect at all, even on league points and XP.