Gengar ex is disgusting
Ok The issue here is gengar ex... Is a No skill deck/No brainer Every time i play for fun trying decks or in ranked its always that unfun & dumb deck with some variations (some more unfun than others) theres no real way to counter it, either you need to be fast or lucky to kill the gastly or you die... You can't put energy…
Terrible dealt hand
This game has been really aggravating me. Try playing ranked matches an the hands that i keep getting dealt are ridiculous. Either i get 1 pokemon to put in active spot an then get all energy or energy recover cards. Turn after turn more energy an no trainers or pokemon to add to my bench. OR i get dealt all pokemon an…
Why is the app not letting me sign in to play
I have tried many different times and ways to log in to ptcg live on my andoid tablet but it only shows a message saying that i have timed out and have to retry loging in however it never logs me in and i can't enjoy the game app
3 energy daily question.d
I had the daily to use a 3 energy attack and I used my Incineroar deck and I was wondering if enough is benched for the attack to only be used for 1 energy does it still count since the cost is technically 5? I ended up having to attach 3 energy to attack once so I didn’t get to see if it works but wondering if anyone else…
How to submit a support ticket
I got no extra credits for all my stuff on ptcgo, I've noticed people automatically get a certain amount of crystals and credits to start without migrating and a free lugia deck without having played in the past. I lost all my extra packs and cards with 0 extra credits or crystals and I have no lugia deck
imagine giving these rewards for milestones
imagine my dismay when this seasons arceus sleeves are even more cringe than last. they look worse than the garbanz you get in etb's from target. actual trash rewards in this game sheesh.
Pokemon forums story gym 4
It was a bright and sunny morning and Arlo was on his way to the fire gym. where he would test his skills against the gym leader if he got this badge it would be his third! and he would be even closer to becoming a pokemon master. He was walking down the road eating a pecha berry when he saw a strange figure by the path.…
How to get a Job @ TPCI to work on TCG Live?
Are they hiring anyone to work on this game? I feel I can bring something to the table in a creativity aspect.
Can anyone tell me what the advantage is to conceding vs just taking the loss?
In the last 3 days every single match I've had where I was about to win with my next turn ends up with my opponent rage quiting by concede. It's hilarious that these sore losers can't be an adult and just take the loss like a man. It seems to be the new thing. I have found no advantage to this. Can anyone tell me what the…
does anyone else experience really weird matchmaking? There's a bunch of bugs and so many quality of life things missing from the game so I doubt there is an algorithm that matches you based on elo, rank and what deck your playing. But the amount of times I play a weird deck and get paired into probably the one person…