What do you think the best generation of Pokémon is? My personal favorite is Gen 1, but I know that a lot of people will have different opinions on this. I never played in Gen 1, but all my favorite Pokemon were born in Gen 1, which is why I'm extra excited for Pokémon 151. What's your favorite generation?
Beef is a smell that makes me want to play Pokémon
Would love to get into the Pokemon TCG but don't know where to start. According to my age level I would be in the master's division.
So in the video game Gardeovoir is a dual Psychic / Fairy type and as such takes neutral damage. However in the card game they decided to make it weak to Dark types which to me makes no sense considering the previous Gardevoirs that were made are all weak to Metal types which makes sense since Metal is 2x effective against…
I'm looking to complete obsidian flames and......... I pulled the special illustration charizard!! put comments of how you feel about it.
If ADP uses its GX Altered Creations attack and the defending Pokemon is Snorlax [LOR] and Snorlax is knocked out the following turn, is 1 prize card taken or 2?
I was a fantasy team winner and I pulled it what could it be worth?
Are the new Pokemon ex (lowercase) with abilities considered to have Rule Boxes (for the purposes of Path to the Peak)?
mines piplup
I need help, how do i sell all these cards?