BUG: Mew Genome hacking Vs Palkia Dimensional Storm.
When i use mew's attack "Genome Hacking" on Palkia to copy the "Dimensional storm" of Palkia, Mew copy every effect of the attack: -I deal 150 dmg to my opponent -Every benched pokemon take -20 HP... BUT mew doesn't discard 3 energy ! ! ! It should since it doesn't specify a type of energy. Mew should loose 3 energy to use…
LF: Melmetal Greninja
I am looking for Melmetal and Greninja from Apex I have every rare from Genetic and Island up for trades. my trainer ID is: 5405019124754413
Need Meltan and Melmetal
Need Meltan X2 and Melmetal X2. Almost everything available! ID is 2003539133322638
Energy generation unstable
When running a deck with two or more energy types, the energy generated is so unstable. There are matches where I get only one specific energy basically throughout 10+ turns… This hasn’t just happened once but multiple times, it feels like the energy generating algorithm is not play-tested. It should guarantee the rotation…
I'm looking for 036 Charizard ex from genetic apex I have some EXs to give ID: 2647128360685579