

  • Yeah there was more to do in the old game - We went from tournaments/Full expanded/Legacy/theme decks - to a Battle pass.... Hopefully this new project their working on for the card game, will generate enough revenue for them to finish this game..... Then again they could just abandon this one in favor of the new one, and…
  • Yeah I seen that also - bugs with cards, there's graphical glitches which haven't been fixed since last year. Were still missing tournaments, it's just a sad state at this point.
  • Actually at this point I'd rather them release this game on steam as a paid version, allow us to move our collection over there, finish everything - have an offline option, so in the event they want to EOS this we can still play it.
  • Yeah there is still card bugs in the game, graphical glitches on mobile which still haven't been fixed since release(during beta) We don't have tournaments yet, and at this point it's just a sad state that it has become - they need to turn this around, I hate to see everything that I worked and payed for over the years on…
  • No that wasn't used, maybe it was just a glitch or a bug. IDK anymore.
  • It's been in beta for 2 years, with the expection of standards rank ladder and battle pass(which can be done in a week) there's not much point in playing other than 60 crystals you get from dalies. Standard battles are fine if you enjoy the same 4 decks over and over - but expanded is where the fun is - and it not being…
  • Play expanded... oh wait it's still in beta
  • That's mine :D My favorite one to see is "don't be sad you lost, be happy I won" while flexing their arms. That's like the equalivent of saying don't be sad your homeless, be happy I'm rich.
  • I have a suggestion - finish expanded and bring in tournaments(for both standard and expanded) Implement more cosmetic rewards by new challenges (similar to onlines elemental dailies) Basically make this game the upgrade from online like it should be.
  • We need the star marker from the previous game brought in - if your playing on phone it makes it easier to look up cards when making a deck specifically towards those cards - instead of searching through them all looking for them.