That would be cool if they made gold bottle caps rarer and then instead of just maxing out all stats it let you raise or lower one or multiple stats
I doubt there going to remove unite from the next switch mainly since its a part of the competitive scene and is played at worlds now. But I could see pokemon cafe remix just being a mobile game and not being on the next switch as it seems more in line with magikarp jump and Pokemon Masters EX that are just on mobile where…
I would agree this definitely needs to be added, I had to play through sword and the crown tundra dlc a second time just to get a no good speed calyrex instead of just being able to set the first one I caught to no-good. would be great not to have to spend so much time getting no good ivs.
This has been happening to me too
I would not suggest getting lapras as it just got nerfed by the most recent update but the next best defender would probably be umbreon
with the attack weight and special attack spec. after you score on the bottom of you screen next to other effects like the orange and purple auras from the wild Pokémon there should be an icon that shows either special attack spec or attack weight and a number from 1-6 depending on how much you have scored.
they can yes but in my experience that generally only happens if your using them wrong
I don't understand why there's so many people saying mewtwo x and y are OP they can both get destroyed by a well timed 10 shard icicle spear from glaceon or liquidation from inteleon