Unlikely to happen because most people are conceding because they are sore losers and would have lost the match. But there is an easy solution: The player who conceded still records a loss - and if the player remains in the match and loses the auto battle will also record a loss. It's not hard. I have found a way to keep…
Or, hear me out. Man up and see the match you started through until the end. Why are you able to spend 10 minutes in a match, but don't have the time to wait the last 15 seconds for the finishing move? For me it's disrespectful and cowardice
Clearly you don't read. I'm not talking about conceding in maybe first or 2nd turn. I'm talking about the sore losers that will wait until you're about to make the very last move and then concede. I do believe in sticking any match out to the end regardless - There is nothing to be gained other than you're integrity. If…
I haven't played in that community. What I'm saying is, it's the worst community of players that I have experienced. I typically play console games and this is the first mobile game that I'm playing. But I stand by the fact that the playing community are a bunch of babies. Who taught you all that it's ok to quit because…
I think you misunderstabd. The person who concedes would get the exact same xp as they do now, and the person they conceded would get double the current xp. Also since when is xp in this gamer even relevant? Who actually cares about xp?
Majority of my matches cry babies concede before I'm able to deliver the final blow. If you've taken the match all the way to the end, then quitting before the final blow just shows that you're a sore loser - which in my experience 9/10 players are. I think this is by far the worst community of players I've ever experienced
Every game has an option to quit - but let's face it. Majority of people are quitting because they are bad sports. And the whole "saving time" argument is false. Let me explain why. I've probably had about 1,000 matches or so - I'd say 95+% of those matches the other player will concede right before I make the finishing…
Well there is an easy solution to this. Games are rewarded for the longer they go but the metric they use to measure how long a game goes is not by time but by moves made. That way people will be encouraged to stay in a match but won't drag out their attacks. I personally don't think players are caring about match xp…
Then how about this for an idea! If you concede against me, you get whatever the base xp is and I get double the base xp?
There is absolutely everything wrong with conceding and it definitely should be penalized. An appropriate penalty would be time bans on when you can battle again, and the more you concede the more time you're banned from battling.