Well spring mask Ogerpon - with sparkling crystal attached (torrential pump attack)
Hi, Please can anyone help me understand if this is a game bug or card text error? If I use well spring mask ogerpon torrential pump but with only 2 energy attached and the sparkling crystal attached which allows it to attack with only 2 energy for the usual 3 energy attack. It then says shuffle 3 energy back into the…
not allowing to select certain cards from deck search
hi i reported this several months ago and it still is happening: several in game mechanics that offer deck search and selection of a card seem not to work consistently i just experienced now with lost zone deck using flower select. the game offered me (top 2 cards) a nest ball and an energy card i wanted the nest ball but…
are x & y / sun and moon cards going to be included at some point?
are x & y / sun and moon cards going to be included at some point? i hope so i migrated my account and collection of these cards which doesnt seem to show up now.
this forum isnt very good at editing comments
If I edit a comment on this forum, It doesn't show instantly that I have edited it and shows the same message as before. or sometimes doesn't show any message at all initially, I enter edited message, nothing shows up at all, I go back to previous page in forum, come back into the discussion and the comment I typed is back…
heavy ball
is it me or does hisuian heavy ball always go in the same prize card position as the pokemon you swap it for the card reads you should shuffle prizes but I think it doesnt on pokemon live
not allowing me to select cards in deck search
hi it happens often when I play a card such as battle pass vip,, it does not allow me to select a certain basic pokemon, but it will allow me to select others. or any game mechanic where i am selecting and swiping things to make them happen, such as spreading damage counters, sometimes some of the damage counters just wont…
slowking v banned
hi, is slowking v banned from official tournament play or just pokemon live because they can't make it work through the computer?
mew fusion strike playing for me no problem
hi, I've been playing mew fusion strike with no problems, and not experienced much freezing during games. it has frozen on the entrance to games on occasion but seems to do this no matter what deck i play, just says waiting for opponent to connect. is there a way people are abusing the clock with mew and can get it to…
suggested new format for pokemon tcg (like theme decks)
it would be really nice if pokemon released some general rules for theme decks that allowed you to build your own as an alternative to the standard and expanded format. But perhaps still allowed you to build your own and play against others following the same rules to make more cards playable and the game generally more…
anyone else had this problem, selecting cards
I have sometimes had intermittent problems selecting cards, such as.. I just played a fog crystal and it brought up my available psychic basic pokemon and energies. It wouldnt let me put the pokemon into the selection box. I tried selecting with my pen on touch screen which I normally do, then clicking it with the mouse…