TheJeffers ✭✭✭✭


  • A Pokémon Go forum is feasible, although it is long past the peak of its popularity and there is already a dedicated mobile app forum. I imagine that we will get a gen 10 forum when that comes along. Z-A might get one, or it might be rolled into the Scarlet and Violet one. But for older games I doubt we will see dedicated…
  • Out of interest, what is your source on this information? There will be no Ranked mode Maybe that will change if the format proves popular enough. It will not be on PC or Switch. Shame. These games are so much easier to play on mouse and keyboard. Again, if it proves popular, that may change. If you play the pokemon TCG,…
  • Gen 5 is easily the best generation. I have spoken about it many times. It tried to mix so many things up in a franchise that was becoming stale, from the story to the Pokédex, and combined it with the best sprite art in the series and a great soundtrack. My only major gripe is that I found Unova's layout a bit boring and…
  • @UnovanZorua Yes, that "currently" is very troubling. Having watched the latest trailer, it does indeed look like the Pokémon TCG version of Yugioh Duel Links, and that is a game I greatly enjoy that I feel is reasonably well monetised. At first I was very sceptical and slept on it for a year, but then I gave it a try and…
    dans New forum section! Commentaire de TheJeffers 20 sept.
  • (I made a post earlier that is yet to be approved. I was talking about Nintendo's previous litigious habits with regards to fan games. We'll see if it goes through.) Another update: It appears that the lawsuit may involve the patents of mechanics including throwing an object to catch and store characters and mounting…
  • Nintendo are infamous for waiting until games or projects, even free fan games, are finished or close to finished before hitting the creators with cease and desist letters and lawsuits. In the case of non-profit fan games, I would speculate that it is a calculated PR move. Most passion projects, particularly those…
  • Why do people keep posting these polls with such random selections of Pokémon?
  • Interesting that it gets its own forum, but I suppose it makes sense. They presumably don't want Pocket discussion flooding the TCG or Live forums (or the general). I would need to see more of this app before I could have any real investment in it. I understand that there will be some form of game to play in app, but it…
    dans New forum section! Commentaire de TheJeffers 19 sept.
  • Do you mean which is best from a competitive perspective? Because the answer is objectively Bulbasaur. Or are you asking which we like the most?
  • Splatoon is fine. I like it.