TPCi_CursedSoup admin


  • Hi there! Was hoping to get a bit more information from those of you who are still experiencing this so I can relay it to the correct team. Are any of you actively running anti-virus software such as Avast? If so, which one are you using and have you tried temporarily disabling it while installing?
  • Hi there! Was hoping to get a bit more information from those of you who are still experiencing this so I can relay it to the correct team. Are any of you actively running anti-virus software such as Avast? If so, which one are you using and have you tried temporarily disabling it while installing?
  • Hi there! This is an article shared from the Pokémon website that talks about cards and strategy. We're sharing it here to highlight the article and open discussion around what it covers. Also for any new players who may need to read advice from a community veteran but don't immediately know about these articles on the…
  • Type: Maintenance + Hotfix Date & Time: 8/29/2023 at 8:00 AM PDT/13:00 UTC Estimated Downtime: 8 Hours We will be running routine server maintenance for performance updates & optimization of our platform services. We will also be applying the following fixes: Fixed an issue with some matchmaking requests timing out and…
  • Hello there! Tickets on issues reported to our Support Team get documented and processed with the Development Team. In the case of any repeat issues that get reported, any new details get submitted to these reports so that the team has any further information to help continue their investigation on tougher to nail down…
  • Type: Maintenance Date & Time: 8/01/2023 at 8:00AM PDT Estimated Downtime: 8 Hours We will be running routine server maintenance for performance updates & optimization of our platform services.
  • Type: Maintenance + Hotfix Date & Time: 6/29/2023 at 8:00AM PDT Estimated Downtime: 8 Hours We will be running routine server maintenance for performance updates & optimization of our platform services. We will also be applying the following fixes: Fixed an issue where the opponent’s game client could become unresponsive…
  • Hi there! This is not a feature change but an issue previously reported by others on the forums. I've confirmed that the team has already identified a fix and will be looking to incorporate it with an upcoming release.
  • Hey there! I updated the thread with the new information on the hotfix now included in this week's maintenance. The team identified the root cause of this issue and was able to submit a hotfix for this week's scheduled downtime. Should anything change before Thursday, we'll update here with additional information.
  • Type: Hot Fix Date & Time: 6/22/2023 at 8AM PDT Estimated Downtime: 8 Hours We will be running routine server maintenance for performance updates & optimization of our platform services. We will also be applying the following fixes: Reversal Energy (PAL #192): Fixed an issue where blocking the effect of Reversal Energy…