Decklist export incorrectly lists counts
When a deck is exported from Live, it lists totals for Pokemon, Trainer, and Energy. Those totals, however, are the number of unique items in that category, NOT the total number. This is extremely confusing and as a judge doing deck checks it's no fun when someone submits a deck list they exported then printed out from…
Game got stuck after hitting two energy off of Electric Generator
I used Electric Generator and found two energy, when I started to select the energy to attach the game got stuck with an energy floating on the playfield. I could interact with other cards so the game wasn't frozen, but I couldn't attach the energy and had to concede the game because I couldn't take any actions. Very…
Pokemon TCG Live.app quite unexpectedly
This error is immediately popping up on app launch. Just updated to the new version. MacOS Monterey on a MacBook Pro.
Decklist export totals are misleading
Can you please fix the exported decklist total count per section (Pokemon, Trainer, Energy)? For some odd reason, you chose to summarize the count of different cards, instead of the total cards per section. This makes is extremely frustrating as a judge doing deck checks when players bring their list exported from PTCGL.…
Deck list export STILL does not work
The totals for Pokemon, Trainer, and Energy are wrong. This has been a bug for so long, and you can't just fix basic math? Please, for supporting local play we need deck list exports to be correct. For local tournaments players bring printed deck lists, and we know immediately when they come from PTCGL because the totals…
Can't play any of my decks today
Cards are marked as rotated (not standard), yet I cannot add new cards to make my decks playable. For example, in my Mew VMAX deck I just want to swap quick balls (no longer standard) with Nest balls (now standard). But Nest balls are not standard today. We are in a state of PTCGL limbo today.
unable to search for cards with "poke" in the name unless I specifically type "poké"
In order to find a card like pokégear 3.0, I have to specifically type the name with the accent over the e or else it doesn't return anything. I suppose that is technically correct, but I have always been able to search for anything with "poké" in the name by just searching for "poke". Most people do not know how to type…
Radiant Charizard bug?
Edit: Never mind - user error.