Are Tournaments coming back?
Back in TGC Online, it was possible to make a Tournament with your "Ticket" currency. The Tournament could give you prizes like money, cards & etc. I am wondering if it's coming back or not? Thoughts on it?
Does Radiant Rules really matter in TGC Live?
I was facing an opponent with a "Radiant Greninja". That's okay because I knock it out & I know that the player doesn't have another one because of the 'Radiant Rule" for Greninja is that you can't have another one. (Keep in mind, the opponent didn't have any cards that could get that Greninja back.) So, in the next few…
Will Original Decks shown in the Original Pokemon TGC Online be available to Live?
When, I mean "Original Decks" I mean The Decks that you could buy at the shop or was given to you whenever you started in the old version of TGC. I was really excited to connect my account from TGC Online to Live because I might've gotten a chance to maybe use the decks that I've used. Turns out, it wasn't there. I am…