PTCGL Not Working on Tablet
I would love to be able to play this on my tablet but it wont let me! Are we only allowed to have an account signed in on one system? As in, if I am signed on to the PC, then will it not allow me to use the same account on PTCGL on my tablet? I just want to be able to bring this game with my anywhere, please help if you…
Will the Black and White sets and the sets before be added to the game?
I am enjoying this game, but I miss my cards. Is there any chance that they will be added back?
We Don't Need Glitz and Glam
When I first heard about the new game, PTCG Live, I was very excited. Finally a breath of life this game needed. I was also as equally excited to move all of my cards over. There was NO WARNING on which cards would NOT be moved over, and no warning that my decks would not be moved over. All of the time that I spent on…