Incorrect 2024 rotation starter deck
According the the rotation article: There should have been an updated Giratina VStar starter deck list. I received an updated Arcanine-ex starter deck list instead. Pokémon: 10 3 Arcanine ex SVI 32 1 Charizard ex MEW 6 2 Bibarel BRS 121 3 Growlithe SVI 31 2 Charmander PGO 8 1 Charmeleon PGO 9 1 Moltres BRS 21 2 Charizard…
Zoroark Phantom Transformation and Stage 2s
Currently, any stage 1 pokemon put into play by phantom transformation can be evolved into a stage 2 pokemon that same turn. This happens even on the turn that zoroark evolved from zorua. This interaction is incorrect. The stage 1 that is put into play needs to be in play for at least 1 turn before it can evolve.
Cards missing from the game
Cards from the various trainer kit half-decks that had their own sets are missing from the deck constructor. Attempting to import one of these cards using a ptcgo export brings up import errors such as 2 Pikachu Libre TK-PikachuLibre 14 Invalid Energy Name *1 Lycanroc TK-Lycanroc 16 Invalid Energy Name Will people that…
No Basic Battle Pass Deck?
It doesn't appear on the battle pass.
Deck builder breaks when attempting to view SV cards.
Steps to reproduce: Filter for all cards, all formats, and SVBSP set Attempt to apply the filter and fail Exit deck viewer Re-enter deck viewer and various visual glitches occur CPU usage shoots to 100% and the client crashes
Attacks that do more damage for each energy card discarded from a Pokemon.
The game currently interprets this as 'each energy' discarded. Ice Rider Calyrex VMax can discard a triple acceleration energy and double colorless energy to incorrectly do 610 damage. This bug also allows Rapid Strike Starmie to discard a rapid strike energy card as 2 water energy.
Avatar customization changes after matches
Sometimes after a match my avatar's glasses are reset to having black lenses and turquoise frames.
Is Tropical Beach a "Real World Exclusive Card Variant"?
One of the new FAQ articles states https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/6488739095700-How-do-I-exchange-Credits-to-obtain-cards- Credits cannot be exchanged for card variants that are exclusive to real world Play! Pokémon activities, such as the Pokémon World Championships and Play! Pokémon Leagues. These card…
Manectric CES 52
The ability does not work. You cannot play this card as your active or on the bench during the set up phase.
All XY-on cards are legal on the standard ladder
The ladder is a wild place right now.