Deck Search Bug
I am encountering an issue that is making the game unplayable. Randomly when I use any kind of deck search (Artazon, VIP, Forest Seal, Arven) I am given this screen. It can happen on one deck search and not the next. There is no way to go back to the board, I just have to wait for it to time out. Multiple of this glitch is…
My glasses :(
Ok, this is minor compared to other critical bugs but it's been bothering me. Every two matches won, my avatar's glasses will automatically convert to blue sunglasses. I believe it chooses this option because it simply resets the frame color to the center of the slider and the lens color and tint to the far end. If I…
Regigigas also causing desync
Just encountered the desync bug when a Regigigas tried to use its Ancient Wisdom ability.
Kirlia SIT 68 and Gardevoir SIT 69 bug?
During a match I used the refinement ability of a Kirlia I put into play the previous turn. I then evolved into Gardevoir with the intention of using refinement again but the game would not allow me to use the ability. I checked the compendium for a possible ruling to explain this and found nothing.