Unable to select pokemon when using Battle Vip Pass
They have the blue outline, but nothing happens when I select them as one of my two choices. This bug has been around for as long as I can remember, and how it has yet to be fixed is beyond me. It's infrequent, but it's incredibly frustrating when it happens, and often leads to a game loss.
Unable to evolve during a "yoga-Looped" turn
On my first turn (going second) I bench Pokémon, knockout one of my opponent's Pokémon with Medicham V's attack 'Yoga Loop', and take another turn. During the subsequent turn, I attempt to evolve Pokémon that were benched last turn, but I am unable to do so. The cards do not have the blue outline, and I am unable to drag…
Game freeze after using Lost Mind?
The match 'freezes' when I knockout an opponents' Pokémon by placing damage counters using Sableye's Lost Mind attack. This has happened several times, has it happened to anyone else?