Live on iPad has gotten MUCH less stable recently
the iPad version of the app used to work pretty well, but for the past few weeks it has basically been dropping games at an unacceptable rate. Please fix. I’m trying to climb the new ladder, but my win rate doesn’t even matter, because a third or more of my games just count as losses due to disconnecting.
Heavy ball is badly bugged
If hissuian heavy ball is played, then my next deck search (nest ball on the same turn in one game, level ball on the following turn in the very next game) causes the screen to darken and the game becomes totally unresponsive. Please fix! It’s a really important card. It cost me two wins in a row today. I’ve noticed it…
Instead of playing snorlax control, why not take a break?
If you feel like playing snorlax control, why not take a break instead. No Pokémon TCG players will be able to do anything to you if you are not playing the game, so it’s the same from your perspective, but from other players’ perspective, we will still be able to play. It’s a win win. Take a break instead 👍
Amazing rare Rayquaza is bugged!
Amazing Rare Rayquaza is bugged on Live and the bug gives it more power than it should have. It’s attack is doing damage just for the number of energy discarded, not for the number of different types. This is broken, and has cost me a couple of games. In one, my opponent attached LLGP energy, but the attack did 320 instead…
Mr Rime v is broken
Please fix the Mr Rime bug. And please ban or discipline any player caught exploiting such a bug. They are just as responsible for the game being unplayable as the bug itself, and there should be consequences. Thanks
Another new bug 🙄
I just experienced a new bug. After I mulliganed, my cards went into my deck, but no new hand was drawn. The 15 second timer came on, but I had no options. Please fix
Quick ball lumineon path to the peak bug
I was playing against DerekP on TCG Live, he was playing whimsicott. I played a quick ball from my hand, discarded a card, and all the basics in my deck showed up as options, including lumineon, but for some reason I was unable to choose lumineon. I was able to choose other basics, but not lumineon. There was a path to the…
Features I really miss
Hi Pokémon, I just migrated my main account to the Live beta. I was waiting for the iOS version because I mostly play on my iPad. Anyway, so far so good. I just wanted to mention a couple of features that were really useful in PTCGO that I miss in Live. the game log. This was very helpful to be able to access during the…
Ban Meloetta
Ban Meloetta. The fusion strike deck is already over powered and over supported. It doesn’t need, and really shouldn’t have, access to this absurd, broken card. Fusion strike Meloetta is the reason the format is so badly unbalanced. It really should be banned, for the good of the game, and for all the players who prefer to…