error 10097
After the latest update, app occured error10097 when loading data.
Awful decomposition system And Huge card list per pack
Awful decomposition system And Huge card list make casting cards very difficult. There are only 5 cards in a card pack. One pack have 300~400 different crads, include nomal version and flash version. It's almost impossible to get more than 4 duplicate cards if you only rely on the game's gift packs. To make matters worse,…
Is there any economical way to get highest rarity decks?
Awful decomposition system And Huge card list make casting cards very difficult. There are only 5 cards in a card pack. One pack have 300~400 different crads, include nomal version and flash version. It's almost impossible to get more than 4 duplicate cards if you only rely on the game's gift packs. To make matters worse,…
Please Open a channel back to PTCGO. Thank you
Live is basically unplayable. Many cards have bugs. We are players, not testers!!! The most frustrating thing is that I will never be able to go back to PTCGO.😥 Please Open a channel back to PTCGO. All the cards got from Live can be removed. Thank you!