

  • I recommend going to your deck manager and setting one of the pre-constructed decks as "active". Then, from that same menu, click the "test deck" button and you can play games against AI if you don't want to jump into casual against other players. There are lots of resources online that teach you how to play the game. If…
  • @Mod_Champion I would appreciate bringing attention to my other forum post about first turn indication. Thank you. Forum post here:
  • @RYDAH_ORIGINAL Totally understandable. It is an issue that should definitely be fixed, I offered an alternative solution that could be an immediate workaround for some.
  • If helpful, I can continue compiling instances of this problem with different cards (though it seems to be common with many cards that target and move cards between zones). I would appreciate considering the pros and cons of other solutions. For example, popups and overworked animations might slow the game. A game log…
  • @Edurandomnumber Is correct. Switch cart can only move a basic Pokemon out of the active (but can promote a non-basic). You may want to consider "Switch", or "Escape rope" as alternatives.
  • A lot of things could be going on here, I recommend taking a step back. Don't delete your account. Make sure your account is working, that you can access it, and that you used the right email. Then go make the account for your kid. You should be receiving a confirmation. I would try again and be patient. In the meantime,…
  • The premium pass gives a bonus 15 levels no matter where you are, (not just a boost to level 15), so yes you get everything. Also interesting, the premium pass is sold at a discount, compared to manually purchasing 15 levels after the fact.
  • I think both of your suggestions are great quick temporary quality-of-life improvements. In the future, it would be great to have more customization options such as setting the time limit, format, card bans, which could even possibly lead to setting up user ran "tournaments" in game.
  • This specific encounter has not happened to me, however, the game is in a very buggy state, and many players have reported the game freezing after many kinds of actions. You are likely just unlucky, encountering the same bug multiple times. I recommend closing the application and doing a complete restart of your device. If…
  • I agree with @DoubleCure. The ranked ladder shouldn't have a chat, an option to chat with friends would be great. I can also imagine pre-set "emote" options that instead of just a thumbs up or down, we get "gg" or "well played" text presets.