This has been happening a lot to me with Squawkabilly ex. It seems like when I use it's ability "Squawk and Seize" or try retreating with it, it enters into an in between actions phase. It happened to me in 3 different games today. I've had similar game freezing / breaking bugs and glitches over the past few days but…
I keep getting paired with the same people and their points are going up. It's not coincidental to reach 2,500 - 3,500 points. It's not about shaming, but bringing attention to exploitation / possible botting - which isn't tolerated in other online games.
Not sure what it's like in other ranks, but in Arceus it's being exploited. Repetitively taking advantage of a bug is not cool - people play ranked for practice for big tournaments. The people I mentioned were between 2750 and 3485. (in Arceus players only get 10 points for every win).
Their scores increase between games so it doesn't seem like they're disconnecting. Another player: "Valleyent".
This is getting out of hand. I was at 1,740 and because of this glitch I have to keep losing score. More players: "Xx_iRob_o0" (twice), "ERPIPPO"
Another player: "wolfden_cris"
There's another player doing this as well this morning: "neilpcannon". I've faced him twice already and been forced to concede both times because of the same issue you're having. There seems to be no time-out during coin flip. I'm not sure if this is a glitch.