No Pokemon product is worth it, due to the removal of Pokemon. It would be a better use of the the money to eat it.
Honestly, no new Pokemon product is worth the electrons its (partially) made of, due to Dexit. It would be a better use of the the money to burn it as an offering to any Ghost-Type, asking them to haunt their headquarters.
There should be a game/battle mode where every single Pokemon has their stats scaled so their BST is ~600 (only approximately because when you do round(600/original BST)*stat, you can accumulate enough rounding errors to end up between 598 and 602, with Megas and other stat-increasing Forme changes scaled to (600+increase…
ORAS-Hoenn would be a good place to start, gives excellent access to some of my favorite Pokemon and also immortality.
Latias is an elegant and beautiful dragon, how could I not choose her as my partner?
Money thrown away
Burning is not a bad alternative.
No Pokemon product is worth it, due to the removal of Pokemon.
The ORAS touchscreen interface along with the autorun toggle. Naturally, this would require a return to the Nintendo 3DS console design, which was honestly better than the Switch in every way.