Yeah its been happening so often and the issues still not responded to by the devs so the only annoying course of action is to take the incompetence of the devs for granted as a mandatory clause and just replace the quest
Exactly! Why didnt they mention the time zone? Also 8 hours !? Did they factor this in to the battle pass time? Will there be an extension? Damn im close to reaching lvl 30. Just need a little bit more time before the update and new Battle pass uguadbfoeaknf!
Hmm looks like I'm not alone atleast! wish the devs would respond
Sorry to clarify I mean The sound the board makes CONSTANTLY with those hypnotic purple circles rippling outwards when a psyhic pokemon enters the field
Yeah I was talking about the campaign mode like the one in TCGO with rewards. They already have the AI function going and now AI and stuff is booming and everywhere.
Yes i had to waste a game and forfeit because i couldnt even draw a card and the animation was idle.. Its so irritating . They need to compensate for their stupidity.
They need to compensate players for their bugs and stupidity.
OK got it now ty! This interface sucks ! They should let you see all your cards at ince without you having to open each card and checking the versions you have.. Very hard to remember or keep track!
Ah ok! Now i see it.. Thats so stupid that alternate versions are completely hidden.. How are you even supposed to know or remember which ones you have ALT versions or secret rares off? The game should show you more clearly all variations in the same frame at once