

  • if you are on windows try moving the file from your user files and delete any shortcuts. move the file to you hard drive then launch the game from there, i had this issue and i found out that the files were trying to load from the wrong destination. once i loaded it from the hard drive i loaded in perfectly fine with no…
  • i had the same problem a while back and no one knew how to fix it, however i fixed mine. if you are on pc (windows) then this might help? your app might be trying to load from the wrong destination folder as it sometimes installs to your user folder instead of the C: Drive. i fixed mine by removing all short cuts and…
  • im having exactly the same issue can someone please tell me how to fix this. works on my mobile from same wifi router and also on my laptop but for some reason on my pc it keeps getting the imperva error 15 when its supposed to take me to the login account screen after selecting the language please help !