I like the cook. If I ever get my hands on the Celebi I'll try it out….
My brother already pulled the crown-rare MewEX whyyyy must the luck always belong to someone else???? XD
Yes Serperior/CelebiEX seems likely to be quite good this week. We may see a shift toward some new fire decks in response.
Truuueeee. Finally I can open packs and not be hoping for even just one little 'new' flag.
@DoubleCure do we have any new info on the set coming in January? I've not seen anything on it beyond hearsay. And yes I agree it would be a bit silly to spend too much on the mini set when we don't even know what trading is going to look like yet. And I also expect the wonder picks to still have both sets, though if it's…
You can get shop tokens from battle 'Thanks' 5 times a day. After that the thanks still show up but you get no rewards. Which I think is goofy and overly restrictive in terms of rewards, since there's already very little reward with no ranked mode or play-based daily quests. But that's why it says 'unable to claim…
Probably 2 Sab 2 Pot. They are both so useful so often in most deck lists I'd be surprised if you wanted anything else. Maybe 2 pot 1 Sab 1 Giovanni instead.
Hmm interesting thought. You're probably right that it needs some tweaking but in terms of concept I like.
Here's an interesting idea: Baton Pass - Trainer Card Swap your active pokemon with one of your benched pokemon. All energy on the active pokemon is transferred to the new active pokemon. So this card could accomplish a couple of things. First, it allows bulky frontliners with high retreat cost to actually be played…
Against Mew EX? I doubt that Mew EX will be the center piece of many top decks, just a tool for dealing with other hard hitters. So the decks with Mew EX will still have threats in them otherwise. And even if not, you can't design a deck that only deals with Mew at the expense of losing to all others.