

  • They do it on purpose… the picked me to poo on because I complain about the game… I just know it.
  • I also did that, but nothing good came of it… first someone tried to tell me that the Power Plant Stadium allowed them to do that… so I had to explain to them that the Power Planet Stadium only shuts off Abilities… then I got another email basically saying I might not hear back from them about it.
  • There are plenty of Immoral things that are not technically Crimes, therefore, your Argument is Invalid. 🙄
  • @TechHog (sorry, it's not allowing me to quote,) I used my own Original Deck because I make my own Decks and I don't use Cookie Cutter Decks that have zero Originality or thought of their own put into them.
  • @TechHog (sorry it won't allow me to quote.) No, I didn't read the log I forgot about it. I used my own Original Deck, because I make my own Decks and I don't use Cookie Cutter Decks that have zero Originally or thought put into them. I make up my own Strategy, I don't steal the Strategies of others.
  • *Correction, it was Gengar VMAX, not Gengar V.
  • Gengar VMAX… the one that uses a big attack and then can't attack the next turn… is able to use it's big attack every turn. The opponent did not retreat and come back out… they didn't have any Pokemon with some kinda ability on their bench that would let them do this… they didn't have some kinda Special Energy or Pokemon…
  • It's maddening when someone does that stupid thumbs up emoji with that dumb cocky smile right before that Bosses Orders your weak Pokemon up to knock it out and take their last prize card(s.) They know what their doing. They know their being A-Holes by doing that. :/
  • We're in the Unite Section?? Dang, this site is so confusing. I try to stay in the TCG Section, but somehow it switched where I was... and I had never even been in the Unite Section before... dunno why it took me here. 🤷‍♂️
  • I like Mewtwo. I mean, in the non-TCG games, I tend to not use any Legendaries/Mythicals/whatnot, because it's basically cheating, but in the TCG I like Mewtwo a lot. I like to use Mewtwo V-Union in all my Psychic Decks even tho I barely ever am able to get it out. I play Expanded so I am able to use Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team…