

  • Prime example of this extremely frustrating behavior. I just had a match where i knocked out a Mew VMAX and the opponent conceded while i was selecting prize cards, where i would have gotten game pass points for 5 cards had they conceded at the start of their next turn, instead i only got rewards for having 2 taken.
  • The level of concede griefing going on is getting ridiculous, i agree something needs to be done. People seem to be adamant that conceding is important to them, so the happiest path, is to just treat a concede as a full win as though all prize cards were taken, this way people that want to leave a match can leave a match,…
  • While the original request may not be practical to implement, nor there be a perfect solution; something needs to be done about the Concede griefing going on. Its making the game climate seem extremely toxic. It is beyond frustrating to have your opponent concede in the last turn right before you get the last prize cards…
  • Please do NOT implement this feedback, unless other measures are added to not penalize the winner when the opponent concedes. Recommended alternatives: Either give full XP / Game Pass progression points to the winner as though all 6 prizes were taken Switch Conceding to process at the end of a turn (after final prize cards…