

  • Oh, no, I totally understand. It was moreso just me listing shiny exes that would've sold the set even more, even if they aren't all realistic 😅 Now that you mention it, I thought about mentioning this in the post but figured it would've made it too long, but...I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did a second Shiny…
  • Yeah, I used to grind PTCGO like a goblin and expanded was some of the most fun I've ever had. I loved using so many variable, interesting and useful cards. Anyone remember PROFESSOR'S LETTER??? Earthen Vessel but with no downside? Or what about Brigette, that let you search our THREE basic pokemon? Or what about staples…
  • i'll be honest, I've probably played thousands of matches between PTCGL and PTCGO, and I definitely think there should at least be a caveat/downside to the next boss's orders they print. Like, maybe you should have to have 2 or more prize cards than your opponent to use it. It's too good without a downside.