I like to add something to my what i originally said. I also notice that very very rarely do i get dealt one of the single cards that can be very uselful to me right away. Like an ace spec card, hardly ever get dealt one of those right away.
@TechHog 🤡🤡🤡 clown bro. I didnt say u couldnt. Also said i didnt care. Just that i knew you would be here trolling.
@TechHog your a 🤡 an you can comment on every post i make , i dont care. I just already know you will. Kind of what trolls, karens just do. An i can continue to post about the samethings over an over if i want.
And yea! I made another post about this! Still aggravates me. Still notice these things happening.
@TechNoise not saying devs are making a hand sculpting algorithm. But there is a search engine to draw cards an its suppose to be random. Tired of hearing the same old "bad rng" comments. Been playing this game a long time, an just notice things that seem to be not so random. And didnt say getting greninja was a bad thing…
@TechHog man how did i know you would be the first to comment something. Go somewhere else! You dont have to read or comment on anything i post, kick rocks an keep it moving. Techkaren.
I usaully have to concede so many matches just from terrible hands being dealt to me over an over again. Get stuck in this rotation of how the cards are dealt out. Its one of the things that annoys me the most with this game. Not like theres any stats being kept anyway. Or any extra rewards for being top rank. Nothing like…
In favor of the winner
Its not the same. Troll somewhere else.
Yea bunch of changes not needed. Game is just not as fun to me anymore anyway. Turn 2 wins. Whoever gets better hand dealt to them. Turn 2 its over. So much fun. No thanks. I dont enjoy destroying my opponents on my second turn either. But thats the game now.