

  • If the currently Pokémon was burned and failed check up, it should remain burnt. Once retreated/moved back to bench, the burn should heal. Then, the new active Pokémon can be burnt as long as the conditions are met (attack/ability used by opponents active Pokémon.) A full transcript of the match would help, as it sounds…
  • Yeah it's a tough choice. Running one TM Devo leave it chance that you may never get it if it's at the bottom of the deck or prized. Two leaves you building a 58 card deck which means you have to sacrifice cards that may be super helpful. It's a tough choice, but since building the Torterra ex Tank
  • @Hyperion924955 Buddy these forums are created for the discussion of decks. My discussion is that I don't like the Charizard Tera ex deck. If you can't handle people's opinions, you should stay off public forums... @Octowen You know what, you're right. I did forget that if they used a Candy to evolve they can't just slap…
  • @Hyperion924955 I am practicing and learning, wym. I've made a deck to counter this Zard Tera ex deck. Doesn't mean I can't complain about it. Complaining about something doesn't mean I'm not able handle it. Pretty weird response tbh
  • @emcees I'm aware there are counters to this deck, but I hate that I have to always be prep6toncounter this deck on the Live app. It seems that everyone is running it. That's more the problem I have. I've started having to use a Torterra ex deck to counter it. I understand the whole "nerf-spiral" loop, and I know none of…
  • @Octowen Although it is possble to use TM Devolution, if they already have 2 Zard ex on field and you devolve them and knock one out the other one comes out next turn and is able to use its ability again. It's not a perfect solution. @OlderAngel11 It is overpowered. The cards needs a caveat as stated. Even with TM…
  • Right, I didn't know that included the "cannot use this attack" effect.
  • Oh cool, thanks for the info. Wasn't aware this reset that.
  • @Perfect_Jab Did...did you actually read what I said? I understand no one is actually using just 1 basic in the deck. It's called RNG, and happens in the real world as much as in the app. We're just letting you know that your kinda shouting about nothing... The whole point of the game is to build good deck, and play them…
  • Does seem like a bug, wonder if it was caused by the Boss's Orders and the game reset the attack.