I had to look up what dracovish was, this isnt a good sign. Its really forgettable for someone like me who kinda disconnected from the later gens due to the battle gimmicks. It is popular, but its a gimmick pokemon, one whose gimmick is connected to its home region, we wont see another origin forme anything in main line…
yo im an hour late, and Scovillan
Garganacl, im not rly fond of glimmora or wugtrio, and i hate brambleghast
I honestly did not rly like them, although sylveon and avalugg are some of my favorite mons overall
i only forgot about aromatisse because i didnt like gen 6
Dude no mon is really forgettable. Mons like relicanth, Bruxish, lumineon, they all are forgetable mons, but if people remember them as the least rememberable mons, are they really that un rememberable?
Wooper is better than paldean wooper 100%. I just hate clodsire.