

  • Garbage company and garbage game. Not worth the time invested!!!
  • GBL is literally unplayable
  • Like doing something or anything would be better than this company just sitting on their hands. Bunch of monkeys banging around on keyboards from what I can tell.
  • Jfc how is it possible for this company to do nothing for seasons on end. If you participate in high end play for gbl you'd have 0 respect for tournament play because you would quickly come to the realization that you would have to be of the mindset of, "if you can't beat them join em," when it comes to cheating. You can…
  • Thing is once the player base finally realizes that no matter how much time and effort you put into the game it doesn't matter because it's totally negated by all the problems and glitches. Play time will be over.
  • It's not only the buggiest it's the most abused mobile app when it comes to glitches, bots, and 3rd party programs. Company refuses to do anything. They throw everyone a bone maybe once every other month with special research and hope everyone keeps buying their raid passes and avatar add-ons
  • Next on the list use a shield and have focus blast ready to go. Come out spamming it watching the attack light up 4 times but not go off only to have the opponent get theirs off. 75 Cr loss at 2200 plus Cr. FIX YOUR GAME
  • Next on the list. Jelicent comes out toe to toe with Mantine pushes one fast attack and then does two shadow ball charged attacks back to back Fix your garbage game
  • First game of the day Mandibuzz comes out and does 3 aerial assault followed up with two instant dark pulses. Solid game play.
  • Maybe chat gpt can help this company out Here’s a detailed explanation of why there is significant cheating in Pokémon GO Battle League: 1. Competitive Nature The Pokémon GO Battle League (GBL) is a competitive platform where players aim to rank up and showcase their skills. The competitive nature of the game drives some…