

  • I've had this issue for 7 months now, and have an email chain of over 30 with their "support" team, that have no idea why. Can login to other accounts, but not mine. Absolutely useless tech support for a massive franchise is so disappointing
  • Another update. Still can't log in. Have heard back from tech support letting me know they are aware of the situation. No help whatsoever Still no solution
    in Error 10010 Comment by JaGked April 2023
  • Wondering if anyone has had any kind of advice or answer from pokemon about this issue, 2 and a half months now still not being able to load app. Absolutely rubbish customer support
    in Error 10010 Comment by JaGked April 2023
  • Just an update, the non existent support team still haven't done anything about this issue 👍🏾
  • What a terrible, terrible support team. Or lack there of. Ocic is in 7 days, still cannot log into app. Not sure how you can be horrid at teck support for a giant corporation.