FelixDewott ✭✭


  • There's an outage now? Twilight Masquerade in TCG LIVE isn't really having a good start, is it…? It's just one problem after another.
  • @JazzyUnicornGir You're right…I don't think it's worth it continuing to argue about this when this has been rough on us all. Thanks for looking out for me.
  • Maybe it DOES work for more than just them. You can't claim they're lying when everyone's circumstances are different.
  • @Rockisto1234567 Oof…that's a hefty wait. I guess we'll just have to deal with it until then. Not a great way to launch a new set but not much can be done until maintenance, it seems.
  • I am amazed by how much patience you have. I guess I'm just getting fed up because I'm quite sentitive to negativity as a person. Looks like we have to hope an update from the team will come sooner rather than later.
  • I want to say to be patient, but I can understand why people are starting to get fed up. I'm starting to get fed up myself and I'm doing my best not to show it. I hope they can fix this before the negative sentiment gets out of control.
  • It seems like @lordf4te might be onto something. I tried playing a match on my phone with data instead of WiFi…and I actually got into a match that I could play to completion with not a single issue. I'm still unsure if this is consistant or not but at least until the issue is resolved, it may be "ideal" to play TCG Live…
  • @lordf4te If this info is true, then those that play on mobile might be able to play more consistantly. I'll have to try this later, to see if it holds true for me.
  • It would be nice for them to give compensation, especially since many rank points have been lost from a lot of players playing Ranked at the moment…but will they do compensation? That, I don't know. This feels like this new set got rushed out on TCG Live and caused disasterous problems as a result. I have important things…
  • I kinda agree too. Having "tested" Dragapult ex yesterday, I agree that it would be easier to find a more streamlined way of placing damage counters on opposing Benched Pokémon. I imagine Lost Box players that place counters with Sableye deal with this problem as well, but with double the counters.