

  • Thanks for the advice man hopefully thats all it is and not psychic embrace braking again
  • It broke after the energy was attached. The energy that should show up when using Gardevoirs ability arent even there when they should be if i used it. Im not making stuff up when this game is buggy and at this point no matter how rediculous the bug sounds im inclined to believe it.
  • Because they clearly don't care enough.
  • I had the same thing happen right after maintence. I tried loading into the game and it just stayed at the board, wouldn't even load our decks as it said 0 for the deck count. I could still emote and concede so it didnt freeze just wouldn't let us play. I wish I knew why it happened but I loaded up the same deck right…
  • Looks like there is a regileki(sorry can't spell.) vmax on his board which adds 30 damage for his basic electric pokemon so this was intended and part of the game.