

  • Can confirm this error with Greninja ex where the damage reduction isn't being applied. And yes, the official ruling from Japan is pretty clear on this, explicitly stating that the -20 should be applied. [quote]Q:…
  • So, an unexpected update. I opened a support ticket on this back in September. where they went through the usual support things with me, before requesting a DirectX Diagnostic file, which I gave them on September 21st. After months of radio silence, that ticket was just updated, to tell me that the issue related to my…
  • Just experienced this same bug today in game. I'm assuming it's the same thing as @Lunarnors mentioned above, where my opponent likely conceded during the Psychic Embrace, given the game was 5 prizes to 1 in my favour at that point.
  • Works fine here too on Windows 10. Glad to see someone find a workaround. A pity it's come too late to finish off my previous Battle Pass...
  • I can't recall if they were actively talked about anywhere, though I believe there was a link at the bottom of the TCG Live website even while it was in beta, and there was also link to the forums in the TCG Live Beta app itself. As far as differences go... it was more focused specifically on the TCG Live, and there were…
  • It's not just Windows 7 users. I'm having the exact same problem on Windows 10.
  • Until they re-launched these forums in July, these forums were primarily focused on the Pokémon TCG Live Beta, as a place for users to report technical issues and bugs. While I don't know exactly when this place was open, a variety of posts dating back to February 24th, 2022 are still visible in the sub-forums for the…