Deck advice?
Pokémon: 8
2 Arcanine ex SVI 32
3 Charmander MEW 4
1 Charizard ex MEW 6
2 Charmeleon PAF 8
3 Growlithe SVI 31
1 Radiant Charizard CRZ 20
2 Victini SSP 21
2 Charizard ex OBF 125
Trainer: 16
2 Arezu LOR 153
1 Prime Catcher TEF 157
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
2 Professor's Research SVI 189
1 Energy Sticker MEW 159
3 Boss's Orders PAL 172
2 Iono PAL 185
3 Arven SVI 166
3 Energy Retrieval SSH 160
2 Super Rod PAL 188
2 Defiance Band SVI 169
1 Crushing Hammer SVI 168 PH
2 Barry BRS 130
1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
3 Ultra Ball SVI 196
1 Cyrano SSP 230
Energy: 1
13 Basic {R} Energy SVE 2
Ive won quite a few matches and i was wondering if there was any improvements i could make?
The best deck is the deck that works best for you. Meaning: any advice anyone gives you will have limited benefit. However, I'll give you some tips anyway:
- Because your deck includes Charizard ex (OBF), you can probably afford to have less Basic Energy cards, especially as you have many ways to recover them.
- I noticed you have a Stage 2 deck without Rare Candy! Rare Candy is nearly an essential card for any deck with Stage 2 Pokémon, as it lets you evolve a turn earlier. Perhaps you could swap out a Charmander or two as they will become less useful.
- Arven has been proven to be the best way to power Stage 2 decks (and is a strong card in most decks anyway), so you could add a fourth one to boost consistency.
- Your deck contains a very high number of Supporter cards - generally, Item cards are better as you can play as many as you need. In particular, Barry is seen as one of the worst Supporter cards in the entire game. However, this tip comes down mostly to personal preference and experience - if you find you can consistently get the cards you need without having a hand full of Supporters you can't play, then that's perfectly good.
2 -
I would cut Arcanine out of this list entirely, as it's not a very consistent pokemon and doesn't really get the job done well. Instead I would just focus on a Charizard ex list. All of the comments that @XM01 gave are really good, so I would follow those. As for the rest of the changes, I would take a look at and check out some of the top charizard lists. One just won a regional championship! hope this helps.