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Card Migration should give me credits for all my owned cards I feel cheated

Like many of us who playing TCG online on a daily basis, we have four more than four copies of Sim cards. Leave one of my cards I have at least 30 copies of . in a way, I have worked hard for these things, and I do not feel it is fair or right and receive nothing. That will be like taking my card collection and throwing away half of it. Is there any bin out there who feels the same I am all for supporting the new Pokémon trading card game live, but I do feel that the Pokémon company should compensate us fairly for switching platforms in supporting their new software, which so far does not fuel up to par compared to its predecessor maybe we can petition a company in Aston to compensate us in a way that gives us credit for all cards owned. I do not think that is asking too much if we’re only allowed to own four copies of each card any card pass that I believe we should receive game currency for the weekend purchase cards to replace what we will be missing from our old collection in the other members who feel the same. Please do as I have and voice yourself as well is lake or share my post hopefully. We will get a positive response


  • RoxxasGX
    RoxxasGX Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    they announced that only 4 copies for each card can be migrated to ptcgl a long time ago. we could just trade extra copies with ones that you don't have in ptcgo so you don't lose extra copies for nothing. In ptcgl, you receive game currency every time you find 5th copy of cards from packs. that's the best we could do unfortunately.

    if you want to maximize currency you receive in ptcgl,

    -collect 4 copies of each card in ptcgo except ones in starter decks in ptcgl, radiant pokemon, which you can keep only 1 copy. my recommendation is trying to complete 25th Celebration set first.

    -prepare 125 unopened packs in ptcgo(automatically exchanged into game currency when migration)

    -trade extra copies that can not be migrated to get cards you have less than 4 copies.

    then finally migrate data to ptcgl. if you complete Celebration set in ptcgo before migration, buy Celebration packs within ptcgl game. all 5th copy of cards automatically turned into in-game credits. that gives you a rocket start collecting cards and building decks in ptcgl