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Sequel to a Shiny Poll.

Scashowian Member Posts: 163 ✭✭
5 LOLs 100 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic

So. Fate has decided.

Orenji, the Talonflame. Prism, The Female Pyroar.

Marumu, the Pawmo, Ciel, the Primeape.

Who else will be the water, dark and ground type badges?

I will be leaving the internet for many days, or more, due to mental illness.

Me now: A teenager. Paranoia, Headahces, others. They reached my border of my mind.

Controlling me to go more insane.

I hate myself inside. Even my parents say they love me, I still think I'm useless.

i need rest AUGHGHHHH. I recently got banned out of scratch, due to a certain scratcher… Named Polygr. (on the last of October btw) I could be back soon, but I will be less on computers and tv.

and more on gaming, fun, and family. Brave, mighty Eagle. Rescue me.

I still stay true to my heart, so When my movie, "Battalions Z-A" comes… you can experience my version… of a memory lane. Now choose.

And remember, Don't cry because I left, smile. I've been on here for my entire life. (well kinda!!! :D)

"Scratch on, Honedges, Klefkies and Nonbinary Gholdengos."

~ Scashowian

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