Welcome to Shiny Redesigns a brand new post series where I explain how I would redesign shinies Episode 1 Kanto Starters Bulbasaur - Bulbasaur is perfect as is, the one thing that I would change is to make the spots purple since its a poison type Ivysaur and Venusaur- Making the yellow bulb purple and purple spots, I don't…
I wanted to take one suggestion and make a new shiny set so Alola Starters Rowlet Line - Perfection Litten Line - Reverse colours Popplio Line - Make Popplio and Brionne Black with some white and red and Primarina could be black for the headish area and red on the fluffy looking parts the tail could be white and the little…
Lugia and ho-oh I don’t think has ever met each other groundon and kyogre are worst enemies Palkia and dialga probably have beef with each other zekrom and reshiram friends but fight when loyal to truth or ideals xerneas and yveltal one makes a mess and the other cleans it up sogaleo and lunala siblings zacian and…
Personally, My answer will always be mystery dungeon! But I wonder what y'all think.
Legendaries! -Ogrepon -Chien-Pao Hopefully somebody stops Ogrepon's wrath…
Okay! Time for the big bois -Iron Valiant -Hydrapple Line Choose wisely! Only one more till the 3-way final!
THE SEMIFINALS yayyyyyy -Meowscarada Line -Clodsire Line I still can't believe Clodsire made it this far…
Brassius (38) vs whitney (7) will the cow i mean Whitney keep its win streak
Hello I'm replaying Pokemon X but this time I'm going to use Fenniken, I've also decided to play as a girl because I've never played Pokemon as one
Battle frontier battler tower battle mansion battle tree I don’t care what battle facility they choose to bring back I would like if they brought them back