New what starter would you eliminate
Instead about eating pokemon this should be about what food and or brands do you think a pokemon would eat for example imagine a houndoom just waiting in line (or going ahead) to get a costco hot dog
(ignore my awful spelling) THIS POKEMON IS PUTTING ME OUT OF BUSINESS the only way to get it for dex is the route before spikemouth (9 i think) from either fishing or random encounters which one is the easiest/quickest? help much appreciated
Bug related to cards shown in wonderpick
I've found a bug when seeing a card details in the wonderpick section. All the cards independently of the language shown in the actual card, shown me the card info in a mix of japanese and spanish. It happens with all the packs shown in wonderpick. I use the Android app in Spanish.
Some QOL feedback
Hi, loving the game so far. Would like to give some QOL update suggestions. 1) Allow us to exchange multiple pack/wonder hourglasses at once. Its a hassle to claim them 1 by 1, both the singles and the x6. 2) Allow us to claim and open multiple promo packs solo battle rewards together at once instead of doing them one by…
Matches made in heaven
With the trend of odd pairs I figured I might as well give it a shot, here are some Pokemon paired with fictional characters from a multitude of series and vote for your favorite.
Iron Thorns is not counted as basic for abilities from latias ex, regileki vmax, zapdos
Pokedex Fact: Lechonk's sensitive snout and aggressive appetite
We all know that Lechonk has a very sensitive snout for food. However, Lechonk's appetite is a whole other story. I bet Lechonk will go gourmet crazy at the smell of truffles.
Question, again!
In your opinion, what Pokémon is the most painful to evolve? For me, it was Gimmighoul, until I found out that multiple coins can be obtained by defeating Gimmighoul.
Need Yanmega EX
Can only offer Palkia EX 0919240048444000
Increase saved deck limit
Hi, thank you for the game. Please could you increase the saved deck limit. It's currently 15, but with 9 different types, a need for strong and up to 3◇ decks, plus the new no trainer challenges and a couple of PvP decks I'd say we need at least 25 slots. Thanks 😊