Agreed. The ability to choose backgrounds would also be nice. Imagine if you could have the same table as the streamed games at the regionals. Or a simple table, like at your local game shop.
There should be an option to disable the avatars. That should solve the problem. Also, why are there no friendly/sportsmanlike animations/comments? Like "Well played", "Good Game" etc.
I have the same problem on a Google Pixel 6A. The phone gets so hot that it feels like the processor is throttling, and the game slows down. All the movements of the cards become sluggish.
Yes, please speed up the taking of prize cards. Having to manually pick up the last prizes is not even done IRL.
Evolutions: You need to be able to see what Pokemon evolves from or to that Pokemon when selecting cards. Tablet landscape mode: Tablets must be able to play the game in landscape mode. Right now, you have to hold your tablet like a phone because it's only possible to play in portrait mode. The option to disable avatars:…