

  • « Sweet baby James » and « Once There Were Greenfields » these two episodes are dedicated to James who parted ways with his pokemon Chimeco and Cacnea; this character despite he is in the Team Rocket organisation is my favorite because he is very nice and caring towards these pokemon and he is very sweet, cute and…
  • I am a fan of James, and I dislike the episode "Fighting Back the Tears" from "Sun and Moon" is my least favorite because I found it to be quite out of character for James. Normally, James is a very sensitive character, easily frightened, he poorly handles separations by bursting into tears. In this episode, he was trying…
  • Voilà comme promis les photos de ma collection d’objets à l’effigie de la Team Rocket.
  • Voilà comme promis les photos de ma collection d’objets à l’effigie de la Team Rocket.