Leafy Camo Poncho not shielding active Pokemon VMAX from Boss Orders
I had Regieleki VMAX in game with Leafy Camo Poncho attached Opponent won due to multiple use of Boss Orders. The Supporter card affects both benched and active pokemon so it should be prevented.
Pokemon ex evaluated as if they were Pokemon V
V guard energy reduces damage done by Pokemon ex as if they were Pokemon V Choice Belt deals 30 more damage to Pokemon ex as if they were Pokemon V
Maintenance message not considering the time zones
During the server maintenances a message is generated which states the maintenances would start at 8:00 and end around 16:00. However the players are playing worldwide and it is hard to understand which time zone the message is referring to.
Cards not rendering
Rank Progress Bar Bug
The Rank Progress Bar has a bug in which it sometimes shows the percentage of the current rank progress (correct) and sometimes shows the percentage of the overall rank progress (false). e.g. For the Snubbull Rank Progress (400-500) the score of 450 will occasionally be shown as 50% (correct) and occasionally be shown as…
The daily quest to put 2 Pokemon V in play not completing
I have changed my daily quest, and got one which requires to put 2 Pokemon V in play. I have played a lot of games with my Pokemon V, put them on the Active spot and bench on beginning of the game, put them on Bench from my hand or card deck search abilities, but the quest counter didn't update...