Crobat critical bite is bugged not KOing
As title says, have have a couple of games now where the 30 dmg token from critical bit doesnt KO the pokemon. When adding the last lethal dmg it jumps back in dmg reducing the 30 dmg it should inflict en leaving the pokemon alive. Working as intended?
Reversal energy bug
See picture for board state. I was unable to attack with mimikyu who had reversal energy attached while opponent was ahead on prices. Working as intended?
Path to the Peak and vstar abilities
Just had a game where path to the peak was on and opponent Giratina Vstar still was able to use its vstar ability. Working as intended?
Game freezes up
Its happening so many times now that I just had to make a post about it. I geuss it has to do with server connectivity but even so atleast gives feedback about it to the player. Or better, RECONNECT and continue. As an online game this should be a priority as the playability stands on this. I had to forfeit alot of ranked…