How would you rate the trading system? (Sentiment Gauge)
I am seeing a lot of complaints about the new trading system that was released so I think we need to voice our opinions on whether it should be changed or if it should stay the way it is. Rate the current trading system 1 through 10. 10 being perfect 1 being trash
I need Starmie EX, MaChamp EX, Gengar EX
I can trade Exeggutor EX, Arcanine EX, Pikachu EX, Marowak EX, Gyrados EX, Mew EX,
How would you rate the trading system? (Sentiment Gauge)
I think we as a community need to speak up about how garbage the trading system is. I havent seen a single person say they like it. All ive seen is complaints about how bad they screwed this up. Please vote on this poll so we can see what everyone thinks of the current trade system.
I need Gardevoir 3 star. I have many 3 stars to trade: LIST in post
I have exeggutor, charizard, flareon, moltres, poliwrath, raichu, magneton, zapdos, alakazam, nidoking, raichu (mythical island), togekiss friend ID: 4636214919980062