Why are there no npc battles?
I migrated from PTCGO to live and am so so disappointed. I will make more posts with further feedback but this one shall be about npc battles. I get it that its harder to make people buy your product (battle pass) if you offer something that doesnt need it, but I still think its bad that the previous version has a whole…
I miss non-meta-battles
In PTGCL I feel very pressured to use some meta-deck or another because without it I will be demolished by absolutely everyone and their grandma. I migrated from PTGCO and had fun with basic pokemon and their evolutions but here with only v, vmax and whatever else pokemon I dont have fun playing. I wish there were some…
own timer counted down on opponents turn
The timer that tells you to end your turn counted down during the coin flip and then even during the opponents turn so i couldnt even play a card before my turn was ended. unbelievably frustrating